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The Wildflower Journals


Must Reads
Member Spotlight: Boujee Blooms & Styling business community floral career wedding florist

Tell us a little about yourself! How did you discover floristry, what's your business name, where are you based, what's your floral style, dreams, goals, life story?

Gosh where to begin! Ok, well...

Complaining about your job won’t make people want to hire you business floristry business social media

The uncontrollable urge to blurt out every difficult, time consuming, back breaking, thorn piercing part of the behind the scenes floristry process to anyone who dares to question your value, raise...

Member Spotlight: Bold & Blooming Floral Design business community floral career wedding florist

Hey Gabby! Tell us a little about yourself! How did you discover floristry, what's your business name, where are you based, what's your floral style, dreams, goals, life story?


Do you know how your flowers are grown?

The first time I ever entered the Sydney Flower Markets I was incredibly overwhelmed and I distinctly remember thinking "this isn't cute like the Parisian flower markets I saw on Pinterest..."


The hardest times in my floristry career

The year 2020, amidst the pandemic and lockdowns, was actually one of the most pivotal times of my life and business. It had changed everything for me, for the better. This rings even...

Quoting for weddings in under 15 minutes business business growth floristry business support wedding florist

There used to be a time running my floristry business when it would take me an over an hour to quote a wedding floral enquiry. I dreaded it and it was something that I avoided and put...

Your Brand Goes Beyond Pretty Flowers and Logos

When you first started your flower business, did you make sure that you had a business name, Instagram handle and a cute logo OR did you create a ‘brand’? I will admit, my...

What other florists did for Valentine's Day: Interview with September Studio business business growth floristry business

Valentine’s Day is one of the biggest events on a florist’s calendar, so it’s easy to see why this day can be incredibly stressful for florists who take it on!

We caught up with...

What other florists did for Valentine's Day: Interview with Avalon Florals

Valentine’s Day is one of the biggest events on a florist’s calendar, so it’s easy to see why this day can be incredibly stressful for florists who take it on!

We caught up with...

How to tackle Valentine's Day: An Interview with Form Floral Design business floral design floristry business

Valentine’s Day is one of the biggest events on a florist’s calendar, so it’s easy to see why this day can be incredibly stressful for florists who take it on!

We caught up with...

Member Spotlight: Botanical Quarter business community floral career floristry business mindset wedding florist

Hey Zoe, tell us a little about yourself! How did you discover floristry, what's your business name, where are you based, what's your floral style, dreams, goals, life story?

My business is...

“Adding one more stem won’t hurt”

On our recent live call within Wildflower Academy, someone asked what to do when you always feel like you need to add more flowers to your bunches and I wanted to share my answer as it's a common...

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